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Want to throw your hat in the ring for performing?
IO has OPEN AUDITIONS in December of each year that anyone is welcome to come to.
Stay tuned for audition dates.
We're looking for individuals who are passionate, level-headed and keen on becoming a part of the IO family.
In auditions we look for people who can take direction, aren't afraid of trying new things and have a good attitude.
These open auditions are a chance for IO to see who is keen to work with the company - regardless of the performances we have on offer for the following year.
You aren't auditioning for a role, you're auditioning for IO.
The directors of the following season will then have a chance to see what they're looking for in an actor, rather than the actor fixating on one role.
We believe this creates a better environment in our company, as we are putting the focus on the people, rather than the outcomes.
"In most cases, hire good people and then get out of their way."
-Tina Fey